Can Innovation
Save the Planet?
Ramez Naam
Institute for Ethics
and Emerging Technologies
7pm Wednesday
May 7th, 2014 |
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Institute for Ethicsand
Emerging Technologies
Ramez Naam is a computer scientist and author.
He’s the H.G. Wells Award–winning author of
More Than Human: Embracing the Promise
of Biological Enhancement. He’s also
the author of two science fiction novels,
Nexus and Crux — stories about a
nanotechnology that links minds
and the struggle to control it.
Ramez spent 13 years at Microsoft,
where he led teams working on e-mail,
Web browsing, Internet search, and
artificial intelligence.
His most recent nonfiction book, on accelerating innovation to overcome environmental
and natural resource challenges, is
The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas
on a Finite Planet.
He lives in Seattle.
We’re beset by all sorts of daunting natural-resource and environmental challenges that pose a tremendous risk to human prosperity, world peace, and the planet itself: climate change, finite fossil fuels, freshwater depletion, feeding the planet, and overpopulation, among others.
In a whirlwind tour, Naam, author of The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet, walks us through the science and technology frontiers that could reduce our footprint on this world even as we bring billions out of poverty, and the hard policy choices we need to make in order to win the race between innovation and depletion.
